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Last updated on December 31st, 2022 at 09:30 pm
Who’s ready for a challenge? Don’t worry, I’m not talking big, in your face kind of challenge. I’m talking “let’s do one small thing each day” kind of challenge. Want to know why? Because I’m tired. Really tired. I actually debated not doing a challenge at all, but then I realized you might really need it.
You are probably tired too. Maybe you’re looking for something to get you motivated now that the New Years’ resolution hype has worn off. You might be searching for something to do during the 40 days of Lent that doesn’t have to do with giving up dessert or your favorite show on Netflix.
I’ve been wanting to do a challenge for a while, but I’ve been struggling with what to give you. Most of what I’ve seen floating on Pinterest are “self-care” challenges or 40 bags in 40 days type challenges. I wanted to do something different that reflects the important lessons I’ve learned over the last year.
Let’s do 40 days of taking small, intentional steps to remove clutter from your home and life and create habits that will give you your time back.
It’s not all about decluttering or self-care. It’s a balancing act of both. If your home and schedule are untidy, you’re going to be stressed and overwhelmed. Your cup is going to empty fast because you’re too busy trying to keep up and maintain everything in your life. We forget to slow down to do things that make everything worthwhile…things like playing with your kids or getting in touch with that friend you haven’t spoken to in a while.

Now more than ever, I realize it’s the small acts, the baby steps, that count the most. If we want to make changes in our lives, we should start small and be intentional with every step.
The 40 Days of Intention Challenge is about taking baby steps. It’s about creating a life of intention and implementing habits that will allow you to thrive instead of just keep your head above water.
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