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Last updated on April 7th, 2022 at 03:49 pm
Do you have boxes, drawers, cabinets, and piles of papers around your home that you’re ready to declutter? Deciding to start decluttering your papers is a big deal and can lead to a lot of questions …such as where should you start? Or how do you know which papers to keep?
Realizing the size and scale of a paper organizing project can take my breath away. Instead of going into panic mode, I slow down and start with the end in mind and reverse engineer the process. I’m sharing that process with you today.
Use these 4 steps to confidently start decluttering your papers.

Step 01. Determine how much storage is available
One big reason for decluttering papers is the fact that there isn’t space for keeping it all. I’ve worked on projects where there were several boxes of paper stored in bedrooms because there wasn’t any more space.
Before you begin decluttering, determine how much physical space you have for storing papers. Knowing your physical parameters will give you a guide as to how much paper you can realistically keep.
For instance, I have 3 two-drawer filing cabinets for storing all our papers. Physically, there is no other place to store papers in our home. (Something else to think about …with the cost of real estate, how much is it costing you to store all those papers and other items, for that matter?)
Step 02. Gather your supplies and set up your work area
Now that you’ve determined how much space you can dedicate to paper storage, you can begin gathering your supplies.
- Recycle bin or a bag for recycling
- Box or bin for papers you’ll keep
- Paper shredder —optional, if you choose to shred papers as you go
Next, decide where you’ll work on your paper decluttering project. Since it may take several days, you’ll want to choose a place that wouldn’t disrupt your daily life. If this is impossible, during the next step you’ll only gather a few boxes/bins/piles at a time.
Finally, decide exactly when and for how long you’ll declutter your papers. Studies have shown that if you write down the exact time and place where this will happen, you’re more likely to achieve it.
Step 03. Collect the papers
Now that you know your goal (how much paper you can store) and where and when you’ll carry out your paper decluttering goal, it’s time to collect your papers.
Gather all your papers to your chosen work area …this includes any miscellaneous papers in piles around your home. If you’re working in batches because your work area is small or it’s too disruptive to bring in everything at once, gather one box or basket at a time.
Now you’re ready to declutter!
Step 04. Sort your papers
Congratulations! You’re ready to grab a pile of papers and begin sorting them into keep, recycle, or shred.
At this point, you can sort the keep papers into specific categories (that you can read about here) or you can sort through them again once you’ve narrowed down the number of papers you’re dealing with.
The most important part of making this happen is to stick to your goals with your precise when, where, and how long. If you can stick with your plan, you’ll be more likely to succeed!
By using these 4 steps, you can set yourself up for success to confidently declutter your papers.
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