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Last updated on April 8th, 2022 at 11:38 pm
This week I’ve been staring at my massive to-do list feeling completely overwhelmed and unfocused. I keep switching from one task to another, which means I’m not getting all that much done. But over the years, I’ve learned some tips to get focused when I’m feeling overwhelmed.
Whether it’s getting to a to-do list at home, working on a project, writing a blog post, or just getting your house organized, it’s tough when you have no motivation to do anything.
So how do you get past it and actually get productive?
Today I’m sharing 10 tips to get focused when I’m completely overwhelmed.
Tip#1: Make a list
It’s easier to figure out what to do when I can get it all out of my head and onto a piece of paper. Having something visual makes it easier to figure out what is priority. Plus, there’s no denying the satisfaction of crossing things off a list!
Tip #2: Plan your day
It doesn’t matter if I have appointments or meetings or not, making a plan for my day makes everything go smoother. I think of the Joker in The Dark Knight when he says nobody freaks out when everything is part of the plan. He’s totally right. But let’s not be like him and not be a guy without a plan.
It’s been so much easier using a planner, like the ones from Day Designer, to set a plan for the day. Just having it sitting on my desk reminds me that I need to come up with a plan.
I try to plan the night before so I’m all set for the morning.
Tip #3: Set a timer
I’ve been a little over-excited about all the things I have to do this week so I’ve been going from one task to another within a few minutes. I start going insane whenever I do this, so I set a timer so I can focus on ONE thing at a time.
If I have a bunch of smaller tasks that I need to do, I’ll do a Power Hour to get through it all at once.
Tip #4: Do a 10-minute tidy
This might seem counterproductive if you’re trying not to clean things up, but this is one of my favorite tips to get focused.
Having a tidier space to work in can help you focus. I love Gretchen Rubin’s saying “Outer order, inner calm” (also the title of her new book). The truth is, quickly organizing something helps me to get back in focus, almost like a metaphor for organizing my thoughts.
Tip #5: Talk to a friend
Ever had to just talk something out? Yup. I did that this week to both my accountability partner and my husband. But it’s amazing how communicating to another person what you’re doing can put things in perspective. Sometimes something another person says can spark some inspiration to work on a project you’ve been putting off or at least give you some direction for what to focus on.
Tip #6: Listen to podcasts
Speaking of inspiration, I love listening to podcasts as a way to get motivated. I listen when I need inspiration at work, when I need motivation while exercising, and to take some of the dread out of doing chores.
I actually save up my favorite podcasts for times like this so I’m actually motivated to do them!
Tip #7: Do something you enjoy
Taking a break to do something I like to do can suddenly make me more creative or motivated to get to work. I’ll listen to music or read a chapter from a favorite book, and suddenly I feel a little more refreshed and able to get back to work. There’s something in those little mental breaks.
Some people call this self-care.
P.S. Set a timer so you don’t get carried away.
Tip #8: Get out of the house
I work from home, and cabin fever is real, people. If my brain just can’t take anymore, I round up my kid and we go to the park and then do a loop around the block. Just being outside in the fresh air clears my thoughts (plus, my OD hubby will tell you it’s good for your eyes).
Tip #9: Pray for guidance
Lord, help me to do what’s important.
I find myself saying that little prayer I made up often. I’ve got so many things on my plate, that I don’t want to waste time. Sometimes saying a Rosary can calm me and help me focus.
Tip #10: Get help
I think this is one of the hardest things for women. We think we should be able to do it all, when in reality, we shouldn’t.
Sometimes having the groceries delivered or a hiring a professional to help you organize can help take a load off your mind. Getting help on overwhelming tasks makes the difference between staying exactly where you are or moving forward to something better.
Personally, just asking someone to watch my kid for an hour or two makes a big difference.
Use these 10 tips to get focused when you’re completely overwhelmed. We all go through those days where we don’t know what to do, and hopefully they’re few and far between. When those days happen, sometimes I think that things will be better tomorrow, but I don’t want to waste today. Instead of throwing my hands in the air, I try taking a step back, prioritizing, or getting guidance.
If you’re interested in using tip #2, download the free 10-Minute Tidy Checklist here.

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