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Last updated on January 13th, 2023 at 04:57 pm
Any time is a great time to start organizing …the only problem is, it’s not all that simple to start. Depending on what you’ve got going on in your home, things can be downright overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be all that complicated. In fact, you can use these 3 steps to start organizing your home.
There are plenty of free challenges out there to tell you what and when to organize. But are they actually places you need to organize? And can you actually stick to a 30-day challenge?
Personally, whenever I organize, I focus on one specific room or area that’s the problem. I’ll break it up into chunks by organizing a specific area or focusing on a category of items, like toys or books.
Doing it this way means it’s less overwhelming, less tiring, and more productive. Focusing on smaller pieces of the puzzle makes the whole project less daunting.
So how exactly do you make organizing your entire home less daunting? Use these 3 simple steps to start organizing your home.
Step 1: Prioritize
Whenever I meet with clients who don’t know where they want to start organizing, I ask, “What part of the house do you use the most?” and “What space is bothering you the most?”
Usually, the space is one in the same. And as overwhelming as it seems, this is definitely where you need to start. Organizing this space will help your house function so much better!
Instead of thinking of the space as one whole project, though, break it up into pieces. For example, if you’re working on a kitchen, break it up by command center, dishes, cookware, appliance, food, cleaning, etc. If you can think smaller, it will help you get to the big picture.
Step 2: Dream it up
I wanted SO badly to reorganize my office into something inspiring, pretty, and tidy. I envisioned what I wanted by going on Pinterest.
This step really made my office become a reality. I dreamed it up so much, that I was super focused on the end goal. What I saw on my vision board and in my mind’s eye actually came true.
It’s not enough to just set a goal. It’s about making things so real, it’s like they’ve already happened.
Step 3: Plan
Once you know where you’re organizing and what you want to accomplish, it’s all about breaking things down.
Before you start doing anything, decide what you will do with the things you don’t want or need. Will you sell them? Will you donate? How will you move those things out of your house?
Depending on your tendency, having someone to keep you accountable for your organizing project is a good way to make sure you’ll actually do it. Find someone outside your home that will support all your efforts.
Then, instead of working on a priority area in one day, spread it out over a couple of days so you’re not so overwhelmed. Remember how we talked about breaking up the space in step 1? This is where you plan it out.
For example, when I organized my office, I spent one day rearranging the furniture, the next day organizing my bookshelf, another day organizing the bins, and another working on the closet. Doing it this way gave me some space to think and kept me from going crazy. Even though it’s nice to get it all done in one shot, it’s not always realistic.
Those are the three simple steps I use to start organizing. By prioritizing, envisioning the space, and planning, I’m way more likely to have the motivation to start organizing. Everything works way better when it’s been thought out.
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