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Last updated on April 9th, 2022 at 09:08 pm
“What do YOU do when you feel stuck?” ← that’s a question that’s come up from readers before, and I get it. It’s easy to get stuck and to stay stuck. But we don’t get results that allow us to live the way we want to.
I ask my audience this question: “What’s the thing that’s stopping you from getting organized?”
The consensus?
- Overwhelm
- Not enough time
- Lack of space
- Distractions/interruptions
- Lacking motivation
Those things can make anybody get stuck.
But these thoughts are the root of why we get stuck.
Today I’m going to give you my 3-step process to use when you feel stuck so you can start organizing your home.
Step 01. Match your internal narrative to your desired results.
What are the thoughts you’re thinking around organizing?
Do you think “I never learned how” or “I’m not creative enough” or “I don’t have enough money.”
Brooke Castillo of the Life Coach School teaches the Model, which says your thoughts create feelings, and your feelings cause action, and your action drive your results.
So, are those thoughts serving you? Are they getting you the results you want?
If your goal is to organize, say, your kitchen, will thinking those thoughts help you organize your kitchen?
Instead, think, “God gave me a brain and everything is figureoutable.”
These thoughts are the absolute truth and they can serve you to get you your desired result.
Step 02. Research just enough to get past the starting line.
This is where so many people get stuck. They take too much time in the “research phase” and start getting analysis paralysis.
Give yourself just a few minutes to gather enough information so you can get started.
Read an article or two …watch a video …then STOP. Move into step three.
Step 03. Take action!
Marie Forleo says, “Clarity comes from engagement, not thought.”
Start even if you don’t have a lot of confidence. After all, the experts never started as experts. It takes practice and experience to know what you’re doing.
It’s not going to be perfect the first time, and, yeah, you’ll probably make mistakes. And that’s ok.
Going somewhere is better than going nowhere at all.
To recap my 3-step process for getting unstuck:
01. Know the results you want and change your internal narrative
02. Research just enough to get you past the starting line.
03. Take action, even if you’re not 100% confident. It’s ok.
Need an easy place to get started? Download the free 10-Minute Tidy Daily Organizing Checklist here to keep your home in order all day long.

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