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Last updated on September 20th, 2024 at 03:29 pm
Is your master bedroom a sacred space?
By “sacred space,” I really mean is it the type of space where you can relax and not feel the stress of life?
A messy, cluttered room can cause a sleepless, restless night. In fact, a study from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found a link between hoarding disorders and sleep complaints.
While you’re not as far down the line as a hoarding disorder, this study implies that depression and stress, which could be induced by clutter, could be affecting the quality of your sleep.
Create a calm, clutter-free master bedroom retreat using these 5 rules so you can get better rest.
01. Embrace hidden and decorative storage.
Many experts say that having stuff stored under your bed is bad “feng shui.” But our homes aren’t customized to our storage needs. Sometimes there isn’t any other place to store items than in our bedrooms under the bed.
It’s not ideal, but we have to work with what we’ve got. So, we store some items under our bed where they’re out of sight. I haven’t lost any sleep over this.
Other options for hidden storage, if you’re against putting items under the bed, are storage cabinets, armoires, or storage benches.
For any items that stay out in the open, use storage options that double as decor, such as glass boxes or vanity trays.
02. Make it a stress-free zone.
Keep work items, bills, and any other items that cause your brain to go into a flurry out of the bedroom. (I include my devices on this list —we’ll get to that shortly.)
If those items are within your line of sight as you’re trying to go to sleep, your to-do list is going to pervade your unconscious mind.
Not to mention those are the things that keep us awake at night.
If your home lacks space and there’s no other place for a home office, shut down your computer and clear clutter from your workspace every day when you wrap up your workday.

03. Keep decor at a minimum.
I have very minimal decor in our room so that it stays peaceful and calm. As stated earlier, less clutter frees your mind. Anything I do have out adds to the peace and calm to the room, or it just makes us happy to see.
04. Clear surfaces.
Bedrooms typically have flat surfaces that collect piles of clutter. Create a daily routine to remove any surface clutter and put it where it belongs …in another area of your home or back in a drawer or in the closet.
If you need more on tidying rhythms, you can check out this post and you can download this 10-Minute Tidying checklist.

05. No devices
I don’t bring my phone, iPad, or computer in my bedroom at night. I leave them in a docking area in the hallway.
Studies have shown that the blue light from screens can mess with our biological clocks, meaning we get bad sleep.
Looking at it from a perspective of clutter, depending on what we’re looking at or watching before we go to sleep can add mental clutter to our unconscious minds.
A lot of people use their phones as alarm clocks. But there are a lot of great options for alarm clocks that don’t mess with your sleep.
We have both a sunrise alarm clock and a plain, old alarm clock that work just fine.
If you want to learn more about digital decluttering, you can read this post.
By embracing just a little bit of minimalism, you can create a master bedroom retreat.
To get started decluttering your bedroom, or any room, use the steps in this post.

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