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Last updated on April 10th, 2022 at 03:57 pm
A big struggle people have with organizing is finding a place for everything. You probably already know that having a place for everything is one of the keys to being organized. But it’s not always clear where to put everything.
Today I’m going to give you 3 tips for finding a place for everything in your home.
Watch the video to see real examples from the post, or read the recap of the video below.
Tip 01. Make it efficient
The point of organizing is that you can find and put things away quickly. By putting it where it makes sense, you make it easy and efficient.
For example, you can break your kitchen into different zones based on what sort of task you’re doing in each area. Keep all the dishes near the dishwasher to make it faster and easier to unload. Keep baking pans near the oven, etc.
Use this post to learn how to efficiently organize your kitchen.
You might not always be able to store an item where it would be most efficient, so look for the next best place.
For example, it would make the most sense to keep my mop and vacuum with all the cleaning supplies, but I don’t have a space big enough to fit them. I keep them in the only coat closet we have. It’s not ideal, but most of us won’t live in a house customized to our every need.

Tip 02. Have a “catch-all”
There are always going to be items that stump you. There’s not a clear category for it but it’s still an item you need or want. Depending on what the item is, you might want to use a “catch-all” to store it.
A junk drawer could be considered a catch-all since it’s filled with random but useful items (as long as you’ve decluttered correctly). A practical “catch-all” for kids is a small toy box or chest filled with the smaller more random toys that don’t belong anywhere.
Be aware that your “catch-all” should not be as large as a room. I recommend “catch-alls” being a small drawer (that’s micro-organized) or basket or bin that are easy to maintain —meaning if it does need to be decluttered, it will only take you a few minutes.
Tip 03. Rework the area you’re using
This tip is for items you regularly use, like keys, wallets, shoes, etc. Pay attention to where you naturally go to set those things down. Instead of trying to train yourself to put those items somewhere else, rework the area to better suit your needs.
For example, my husband comes home and empties his pockets in our closet. Before, he would leave items in random places, making the space look untidy and making it hard to collect all his things when he needed them.
Instead of making him change what he was doing, I put a tray on the shelf where he could unload his stuff. This keeps everything contained, therefore, tidier, and he can find what he needs when he needs it.
Get organized quickly with this 10-Minute Tidy Checklist.

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